- 09.05.24 ANNUAL draft.doc
- 09.05.24 ANNUAL final pdf.pdf
- 1. 04.01.24 draft minutes.docx
- 1. 04.01.24 final pdf.pdf
- 1. 09.05.24 Agenda final public pdf.pdf
- 1. 09.05.24 Agenda public final pdf.pdf
- 2. 07.03.24 FINAL PDF.pdf
- 3. 06.06.24 Agenda to Public final pdf.pdf
- 3. 09.05.24 FINAL PDF.pdf
- 4. 06.06.24 FINAL PDF.pdf
- 4. 25.07.24 Agenda public final pdf.pdf
- 5. 03.10.24 Agenda Public PDF.pdf
- 5. 25.07.24 FINAL PDF.pdf
- 6. 03.10.24 FINAL PDF.pdf
- 6. 03.10.24 draft pdf.pdf
- 6. 06.12.23 Agenda to Public FINAL PDF.pdf
- 6. 07.11.24 Agenda public final pdf.pdf
- 6. 29.09.23 final pdf.pdf
- 7. 02.11.23 final pdf.pdf
- 7. 04.01.24 Agenda to Public FINAL pdf.pdf
- 7. 07.11.24 FINAL pdf.pdf
- 7. 16.12.24 Agenda Public final pdf 6.30.pdf
- 8. 06.12.23 final pdf.pdf
- 8. 07.03.24 Agenda to Public final pdf.pdf
- 8. 16.12.24 draft pdf.pdf
- 8. 23.01.25 Agenda public pdf.pdf
- Minutes 04-07-19.pdf
- Minutes 05-09-19.pdf
- Minutes 05-12-19.pdf
- Minutes 07-11-19.pdf
- Minutes 09-01-20.pdf
- Minutes 09-05-19.pdf
- minutes January 2022.pdf
- minutes May 2022.pdf
- minutes November 2021.pdf
- minutes 03 September 2020 (2).pdf
- minutes April 2020.pdf
- minutes April 2021.pdf
- minutes April 2022.pdf
- minutes December 2020.pdf
- minutes December 2021.pdf
- minutes December 2022.pdf
- minutes February 2022.pdf
- minutes January 2021.pdf
- minutes January 2023.pdf
- minutes July 2020.pdf
- minutes July 2021.pdf
- minutes July 2022.pdf
- minutes July 2023.pdf
- minutes June 2021.pdf
- minutes June 2023.pdf
- minutes March 2020.pdf
- minutes March 2021.pdf
- minutes March 2022 EGM.pdf
- minutes March 2022.pdf
- minutes March 2023.pdf
- minutes May 2023 Annual Parish Meeting.pdf
- minutes May 2023.pdf
- minutes November 2020.pdf
- minutes November 2022.pdf
- minutes September 2020.pdf
- minutes September 2021.pdf
- minutes September 2022.pdf
- 08.09.21 Signed section 3.pdf
- AGAR 2020-21 Section 1 Scanned.pdf
- AGAR 2020-21 Section 2 Scanned.pdf
- AGAR 2021 PART 2 Internal Audit report - scanned.pdf
- AGAR Section 1 and Section 2.pdf
- AGAR Section 3.pdf
- Asset Register.pdf
- Audit Notice for Website.docx
- Audit Notice.pdf
- Confirmation of the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights 2020-21 pdf.pdf
- Confirmation-of-the-dates-of-the-period-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2022-23.doc
- Dates of Exercise of Public rights 2018.19.docx
- Exercise of Public Rights.pdf
- External Audit Report Section 3 30.07.19.pdf
- External Auditor Report & Certificate Section 3.pdf
- Health & Safety.pdf
- Hilldale Parish Council Risk Assessment Parish Council Agreed at 07.03.24 meeting.docx
- Internal Audit Report AGAR signed 28.05.23.pdf
- Internal Audit Report.pdf
- Internal Audit report 2018.2019.pdf
- LA0107 AGAR.pdf
- LA0107 S3.pdf
- Metal detecting policy V1 Ratified 03.10.24 pdf.pdf
- Newsletter Summer 2023 final pdf.pdf
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit 02.09.24.docx
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit.docx
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit.pdf
- Notice of Conclusion of audit 310320 pdf.pdf
- Notice of Conclusion of audit 310321 pdf.pdf
- Notice of Public Rights Publication V2 pdf.pdf
- Notice of provision for the exercise of public rights 10.06.24 19.07.24.docx
- P3 AGAR HPC 19-20 Internal Audit Report.pdf
- P4 AGAR HPC 19-20 Annual Governance Statement Section 1.pdf
- P5 AGAR HPC 19-20 Annual Governance Statement Section 2.pdf
- Risk Assessment.pdf
- Risk Management plan register 2024.doc
- Section 1 Annual Governance Statement.pdf
- Section 1 signed.docx
- Section 2 Accounting Statement.pdf
- Section 2 signed.docx
- Section 3 External Auditors Report & Certificate.pdf
- newsletter FINAL pdf.pdf
- publication scheme.pdf